Herpes Treatment

As one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes affects nearly 25 percent of the population and unfortunately, there is no cure. Herpes never completely goes away, however there are some herpes treatment options that help.

Symptoms may occasionally be silent in a person infected with genital herpes, or some of the infected sexually active teens and adults may experience periodic outbreaks of genital herpes symptoms. There are times when the infected person does not show symptoms, but this does not mean the infection is gone. The virus is actually hiding away in the infected person’s body in between outbreaks. This article explores many herpes treatment options and prevention tips for teens to remember when choosing to have sex.
About genital herpes:
  • Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus.
  • There are two different types of the herpes virus: one is the HSV-1 and the other is the HSV-2.
  • The HSV-2 is responsible for transferring the genital herpes infection easily with unprotected genital to genital contact affecting only the genital and anal regions.
  • HSV-1 mostly causes cold sores and fever blisters on or around a person’s mouth. This is a type of herpes that most people get at one point or another throughout their lives.
  • However, HSV-1 can still be spread to the genitals during oral sex through secretions in a person’s saliva especially when the genitals are not protected with a condom or dental dam.
  • As previously mentioned, genital herpes never completely goes away. Instead when a person is not showing symptoms, the virus is actually hiding away in the infected person’s body in between outbreaks.
  • Sometimes a person can be infected with genital herpes and never actually show any symptoms of the infection. However, the disease can still be passed to other sexual partners even when there is no outbreak of symptoms.
  • However, if the person person does demonstrate outward symptoms of genital herpes, they will typically see about four to five outbreaks each year.
  • Symptoms usually begin within the 2 to 20 days after becoming infected.
  • Herpes symptoms start with itching or pain around the genital region followed by sores.
  • These sores may appear on the vagina, penis, scrotum or anal region or buttocks.
  • The sores start out as as red bumps that later turn into red, watery blisters that may open up, contain puss and blood.
  • Other symptoms usually include fever-like symptoms including headache, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes.
Herpes Treatment:
  • There are still herpes treatment options available although there is no way to completely cure the disease. Herpes treatment includes the use of antiviral medications to lessen the symptoms. Outbreaks may showcase many of the same symptoms as when the person was first infected including sores and fever, but they will most likely be less severe and will not last as long as the first outbreak with the use of these herpes treatments.
  • You will be prescribed antiviral medication to help control the genital herpes symptoms during outbreaks.
  • A doctor or physician will explain other herpes treatments on how to keep the sores clean and dry to help diminish pain and infection.
  • Other genital herpes treatments include daily suppressive therapy medication, which is also available to those infected. This herpes treatment option helps reduce the chance of transferring genital herpes to other sexual partners.
  • To avoid having to worry about herpes treatment in the first place, it is better to practice safe sex through prevention.
  • Remember, just because an infected person may not show any symptoms very often or even at all, those infected can go through long periods of time without having an outbreak. Teens who are having sex outside of a monogamous relationship with an uninfected person,  should remember that just because there are no visible symptoms, it does not mean their partner is not infected.
  • The only way a person can ever completely stay away from contracting genital herpes or any other type of sexually transmitted disease is to completely abstain from sexual acts containing genital to genital or mouth to genital contact.
  • Using a latex condom might help reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes, however, it does not protect the areas it does not cover like the mouth or around the genital or anus.
sources: cdc.gov, kidshealth.org